Reasons why Taylor Swift Is Now Officially the Queen of Instagram

Taylor Swift


Ever since Taylor Swift posted a photo of her standing next to a bouquet of flowers sent by Kanye West, her Instagram catapulted to the number one most followed account, surpassing the queen of media, Kim Kardashian.


Taylor Swift

It was neck and neck between the two for a while but Taylor Swift is now officially leading the pack, and for any haters out there wondering, she is far ahead. This week, Instagram announced its first-ever ranking of most popular accounts and T. Swift took the crown with her 50.4 million followers (and counting).

Joining Taylor in the top five is Kim Kardashian (48.6m), (the other queen) Beyonce (47.7m), BFF Selena Gomez (46.5m), and pop star Ariana Grande (45.1m). While Taylor thinks she’s number one because of her cute cats we have some other reasons why we think she landed the top spot.

OK, so it’s true. She does post hilarious photos of her cats, Meredith and Olivia:

And sometimes she treats us to videos of them, which are even better than the photos:

She also loves to share all of her special guests from her 1989 tour, making us wish we bought tickets to every concert.

She also loves to share all of her special guests from her 1989 tour, making us wish we bought tickets to every concert.

She posts stuff like this of her #SQUAD that make us freak out: