What’s happened to Taylor Swift’s body? Plastic surgeons’ verdict on Popstar’s glow-up that fans claim make the 35-year-old ‘look younger and different’

Taylor Swift

The debate is ongoing: whether the music sensation Taylor Swift had plastic surgery? Social media is always on the run to dive into the lives of celebrities, and when it is Taylor Swift, then the hype is even more.

While everyone has their own personal lives, celebrities have to pay the price of being famous, and every move is watched by the fans.

The recent changes in the look of Taylor Swift are viewed as a result of cosmetic procedures such as a nose job or Botox.

However, the singer has not given any statement against these speculations. Thus, the rumors remain rumors until the silence is broken.

The rumors have made many fans bummed out, and they refuse to participate in the conversation.

They believe that it promotes the idea of focusing on external beauty rather than on real talent and inner beauty.

This type of speculation on the woman’s body also presents an unrealistic beauty image in front of the woman, which might harm their self-image.

Taylor Swift

In this whole scenario, what does a cosmetic surgeon have to say? Let’s find out.

Expert Opinion On The Rumors Of Plastic Surgery Of Taylor Swift

To enter the conversation, expert opinion is mandatory. While no plastic surgeon can definitely confirm or deny the plastic surgery of Taylor Swift without looking at the medical records, they expressed their views in a broader way.

Taylor Swift

When renowned plastic surgeons were asked their standpoint, then this is what they said:

Weight Fluctuations

Plastic surgeons claim that these changes in the feature and body could be due to the fluctuations in the weight. Many times we gain weight and see changes in the breast tissue and features like chicks. Thus, it can give a feeling of changes in the facial contour.

Exercise and Diet

Changes in the exercise regime and diet could be the reason for the changes in the body, like the tummy or buttocks, which can give the illusion of plastic surgery.

Camera Positioning

Celebrities are never off camera, and it could be the position of the camera that created the illusion of changing the body contour.

Makeup Magic

Makeup plays a very important role in enhancing the features of the body. People do apply makeup to reshape the eyes and nose. This can make the person look a bit differently on camera.


There are varied fashion clothes that enhance the body shape. With the change in some fashion sense and wardrobe highlighting, the perfect body attracts the attention of the media, and they must have tagged it to be the result of plastic surgery.

Final Thought

Taylor Swift is a sensation, and when it is about her beauty, everyone wants to jump into the conversation. The changes in the body contour have created hype about whether Taylor Swift has undergone plastic surgery. The question remains a rumor until the singer herself claims it. To understand it, plastic surgeons have given their point of view. This change could be because of some weight fluctuations or a change in exercise regime. Many other factors, like camera poisons, fashion, and makeup, could also contribute to the illusion of plastic surgery.

Dr. Craig Jonov
Dr. Jonov is a cosmetic surgeon who specializes in plastic surgeries of the face, breast, and body at Seattle Plastic Surgery.