Breaking: Co-Pilot Jumps out of Plane Mid Flight

Co-Pilot Jomps out of Plane Mid Flight

The incident involves a bizarre and tragic event that took place on July 29, 2022. A co-pilot named Charles Hew Crooks jumped out of a small cargo plane, a CASA 212-200, while it was still in the air.

The aircraft was being operated by two pilots, and at the time of the incident, it was flying near Raleigh-Durham International Airport in North Carolina.

The plane had experienced a landing gear issue during an earlier part of the flight, and the pilots were attempting to make an emergency landing.

According to reports, Crooks became highly distressed and may have been overwhelmed by the situation. He reportedly opened the aircraft’s rear ramp and exited the plane without a parachute at approximately 3,500 feet in altitude.

The pilot, who was still onboard, managed to make a safe emergency landing at Raleigh-Durham International Airport despite the aircraft’s damaged landing gear.

Co-Pilot Jomps out of Plane Mid Flight

When emergency responders arrived, they realized that Crooks was missing. A search was initiated, and his body was later found in a residential area.

As for the phrase “Did you need to do a circle or something?”—it was reportedly a question Crooks asked his co-pilot before jumping out. This comment has been interpreted as a sign of his confusion and distress during the flight.

Co-Pilot Jomps out of Plane Mid Flight

The exact reasons behind Crooks’ actions remain unclear, and the incident has been the subject of investigation by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

The incident raised questions about what led to such a drastic decision and whether any mental health or other factors contributed to this tragic outcome.